Learn Talmud - Talmud Studies for Beginners | TorahMates

Our Staff

Talmud studies for beginners Fun Fact!

Our 30 TorahMates staff members made 85,598 calls to TorahMates this past year!

TorahMates Directors

Rabbi Hoberman

Rabbi Yisroel Mayer

877.TORAH.123 x182

Rabbi Yisroel Mayer Hoberman

With extensive experience in operations and management, Rabbi Hoberman ensures that the TorahMates department runs smoothly. His years as an independent business and management consultant further developed his organizational skills. His knack for setting up systems and processes helps the TorahMates Coordinators work efficiently and productively. When not at work, he can be found at home spending time with his children and grandchildren.

TorahMates Coordinators

Oorah’s dedicated TorahMates coordinators are the ones to turn to for guidance or advice. After setting up and arranging the study partnerships, our dynamic TorahMates coordinators are always available to support their partners. They’re here to assist with any issues that may come up regarding the partnership or study sessions. Be it recommending a topic or book to study from and giving support to beginners, to finding the right Jewish resource to learn talmud online, or just to lend a listening ear, your coordinator will always be there for you!

Ciril Abraham

Mrs. Ciril

877.TORAH.123 x428

Mrs. Ciril Abraham

Ciril first heard about TorahMates from a family member, and was instantly hooked. As a caring and sensitive person, she loved the idea of connecting with people and helping them get closer to Hashem and His Torah. And after her years spent teaching and working in special ed, she’s the perfect candidate to coordinate partnerships built to last. When not at work, she can be found designing a new photo book or earning her title of Best Twin Award.

Rabbi Beer can help you learn Talmud online!

Rabbi Mordechai

877.TORAH.123 x142

Rabbi Mordechai Beer

Rabbi Beer received his rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah in Queens. He’s been involved in Jewish outreach and teaching Jewish tradition for years, including positions in various community Torah-learning institutes and other outreach organizations. Our longest-working TorahMates coordinator, Rabbi Beer has been in the organization for many years and, in his words, “still feels the adrenaline rush every time someone shows an interest in learning more about their Jewish heritage”.

Rabbi Shimon Beer

Rabbi Shimon

877.TORAH.123 x105

Rabbi Shimon Beer

Rabbi Beer spent many years studying both in the States and in Israel. Working with fellow students and with youth in outreach camps prepared him for his work at Oorah. With his easygoing nature, Rabbi Beer enjoys connecting with people and takes pride in watching them grow in their Jewish knowledge. In his leisure time, Rabbi Beer enjoys many sports and politics. Married with nine children, Rabbi Beer is very involved in the community at large.

Mrs. Huvi Begelfer

Mrs. Huvi

877.TORAH.123 x227

Mrs. Huvi Begelfer

Born to a family involved in outreach and moving across the Midwest throughout her childhood, Huvi brings a wealth of experience and dedication to TorahMates to ensure every girl she works with enjoys a meaningful connection. Currently residing in Har Nof, she enjoys baking and spending time with her toddler, and cherishes her time in Israel. Known for her outgoing and positive nature, Huvi is committed to making lasting connections and fostering growth within the Shteigers TorahMates community.

Ester Berkman

Mrs. Ester

877.TORAH.123 x475

Mrs. Ester Berkman

Mrs. Ester Berkman’s father was a Holocaust survivor, which shaped her worldview that every Jew is precious. She grew up in Philadelphia, PA and currently lives in Cleveland, OH. Friends describe her as patient and accepting, and she looks forward to connecting with people in her new role. When not at work, she’s trying to keep track of her kids - both the toddlers and teenagers alike! She does not own any pets, although she generously allowed her children to have cats during the heat of COVID.

Binyomin Biron

Rabbi Binyomin

877.TORAH.123 x328

Rabbi Binyomin Biron

Rabbi Binyomin Biron became a TorahMates Coordinator to leverage his experience in outreach, teaching, and technology to help spread more Torah. Originally from Ukraine and Russia, Binyomin moved to Israel from Kiev at 18. When not at work, you can find him teaching an early-morning Talmud lecture, spending time with his family, or playing the piano. Friendly, courageous, and a lifelong learner, his goal is to ensure every TorahMate learns — and enjoys! — their sessions each week.

Rachel Daskal

Mrs. Rachel

877.TORAH.123 x451

Mrs. Rachel Daskal

A natural listener and communicator, Mrs. Daskal hopes to connect with and help others in her role as a coordinator. She was born and raised in Detroit, and enjoys music, dancing, and cooking in her free time. Her friends describe her as patient and intuitive, and she always aims to find the point of commonality despite varied roads traveled. She believes that the smallest of efforts can reap the most magnificent results and looks forward to facilitating as a TorahMates coordinator.

Mrs. Sarah

877.TORAH.123 x177

Mrs. Sarah Feldman

Having lived all over the United States (Virginia, Florida, Seattle, Denver and now New Jersey) and in Israel for fourteen years, Mrs. Feldman has been fortunate to befriend many women who make up our beautiful Jewish tapestry. She is excited to be part of a program that allows women at all levels of religious observance to grow in their Jewish awareness. Mrs. Feldman has four adult children and a number of grandchildren who are her pride and joy.

Rabbi Pinchos Friedlander

Rabbi Pinchos

877.TORAH.123 x588

Rabbi Pinchos Friedlander

In his position as a TorahMates coordinator, R’ Friedlander looks forward to the opportunity to help others, particularly helping them come closer to Hashem. In his free time, he enjoys writing, drawing, creating videos…and relaxing in a massage chair. He also spends time learning, writing Torah commentary, and philosophizing— especially with friends. With 15 million Jews in the world, Rabbi Friedlander’s dream is to touch as many of them as he possibly can.

Rabbi Louis Friedman

Rabbi Louis

877.TORAH.123 x112

Rabbi Louis Friedman

Rabbi Friedman’s knack for connecting with people of all backgrounds makes him a natural TorahMates coordinator. He studied in Baltimore, attending the first Jewish day school outside the NY area. He owned the first kosher bakery in Lakewood and was a grandfather figure to the many boys he’s taught. Rabbi Friedman and his wife are involved in the community, with a home that is always open to guests. With 10 children and many grandchildren, Rabbi Friedman’s favorite title is Zaidy.


Mrs. Orah

877.TORAH.123 x213

Mrs. Orah Fuchs

Orah discovered her love for outreach as a teenager, as a counselor in TheZone. That led her to become an outreach director in the Great Neck community, and then acquire a master's in Jewish Education. She taught Judaic studies for many years and now feels privileged to be part of the TorahMates team, reaching out to her fellow Jews with warmth, passion, and sensitivity. She loves spending time with her daughters and cooking in the kitchen. Orah currently resides in Sanhedria, Yerushalayim.

Rabbi Pinchos Friedlander

Rabbi Yirmi

877.TORAH.123 x471

Rabbi Yirmi Garfunkel

Having lived in California, Hawaii, Virginia, Jerusalem, and Melbourne, Rabbi Garfunkel has met and connected with people from all walks of life. He studied Economics and Psychology in UCLA and worked as an assistant athletic director for 10 years before becoming religious in his mid-20s. He has since received smicha, been a rav of two shuls in Melbourne, and a rabbi in a Jewish school. He and his wife recently moved to Toms River, New Jersey. He looks forward to setting up amazing partnerships.

Photo coming soon!

Rabbi Ephraim

877.TORAH.123 x715

Rabbi Ephraim Goldschmidt

A Torah educator for almost two decades, Rabbi Goldschmidt enjoys connecting with people and watching them grow in their Torah knowledge. His people skills, friendly nature, and sensitivity to everybody’s needs make him the quintessential TorahMates coordinator. He enjoys listening to soulful or meaningful music, and appreciates the beauty that can be found on a scenic forest trail. When not at work, he can be found learning Torah, on his own or with his sons.

Shaina Shifra Goldstein

Mrs. Shaina Shifra

877.TORAH.123 x314

Mrs. Shaina Shifra Goldstein

Mrs. Shaina Shifra Goldstein became a TorahMates Coordinator driven by a desire to make a difference. With a knack for empathizing and communicating with people, Shaina Shifra is passionate about learning about diverse individuals and making the best matches for TorahMates. Outside of work, she enjoys cooking, reading, and visiting friends. Known for her kindness, cheerfulness, and intelligence, Shaina Shifra's goal is to be the best person she can be.

Rabbi Chananya Kanner

Rabbi Chananya

877.TORAH.123 x433

Rabbi Chananya Kanner

Rabbi Kanner had the merit to learn in Jerusalem for many years and receive his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovits. Originally from a non-observant home in Mexico, Rabbi Kanner became interested in Judaism at 16 years old. Since then, he’s worked to spread the light of Torah to people in Argentina, New Jersey, New York, and even Spain. Now, he brings his sincerity, passion, and caring nature to TorahMates. When not at work, he can be found learning— or hiking and playing tennis!

Malka Klein, TorahMates Coordinator

Mrs. Malka

877.TORAH.123 x427

Mrs. Malka Klein

Described by people as outgoing and energetic, Malka first came to Oorah as a staff member in their summer camp, TheZone. She was quickly hooked, and couldn’t have been more thrilled to join the Oorah team as a TorahMates coordinator. With a real passion for helping people, her goal is to reach as many individuals as possible and help them enjoy their partnership to the fullest. When not at work, she can be found baking with her kids.

Photo coming soon!

Rabbi Yaakov

877.TORAH.123 x714

Rabbi Yaakov Landman

Passionate about helping others learn and discover the beauty of Torah, Rabbi Landman became a TorahMates coordinator because he loves connecting with and getting to know others. A charismatic yet intellectual individual, he’s known as a history buff and loves to travel and explore the world. When he’s not working, he can be found learning or spending time with his family.

Penina Lefton

Mrs. Penina

877.TORAH.123 x265

Mrs. Penina Lefton

Raised in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Mrs. Penina Lefton joined TorahMates with a passion for connecting individuals to their Jewish heritage. A recent graduate of Social Work school, Penina loves working with people, offering encouragement, guidance, and understanding. She also enjoys spending time with her family and indulging in her love for art and interior design. Described as sensitive, compassionate, and ambitious, she is thrilled to help create lasting partnerships that foster growth and closeness to Hashem.

Photo coming soon!

Mrs. Nancy

877.TORAH.123 x343

Mrs. Nancy Levin

A Los Angeles native, Nancy moved to the East Coast to be closer to her kids and grandkids. An outdoor enthusiasts who loves hiking and kayaking, Nancy is creative and artistic and passionate about helping women find their calling through Torah learning. As a teacher for 30 years with lots of experience in the field, she’s excited to facilitate Torah study through her position as a TorahMates coordinator.

Rabbi Aharon Tzvi Markovic

Rabbi Aharon Tzvi

877.TORAH.123 x658

Rabbi Aharon Tzvi Markovic

Born in Detroit and raised in Toronto, Rabbi Markovic became a coordinator because he was looking for a job where he could connect with others on a personal level. His grandest goal in his career is to find every Jew a TorahMate. In his free time, you can find him drinking coffee, listening to music or a Torah lecture, and spending time with his family. Rabbi Markovic does not currently have any pets, but he did once have a pet betta fish named Aleph.

Rabbi Nachman Prupas

Rabbi Nachman

877.TORAH.123 x437

Rabbi Nachman Prupas

The craziest thing Rabbi Nachman Prupas ever did was become religious, and he’s loved every minute of it. He’s even made it his mission to reach out to other Jews and open their eyes to the treasure Judaism is. Described as kind, patient, and caring, he looks forward to connecting with others. He doesn’t currently own any pets, but when he was younger, everyone knew and loved his dog Prince. You can find him with his family, outside enjoying nature, at shul, or in the Beis Medrash.

Mrs. Sarah

877.TORAH.123 x373

Mrs. Sarah Rabinowitz

Meeting new people is what Sarah does best! A Toronto native, she is thrilled to get to know so many new people through her work in the TorahMates department, phone distance notwithstanding! Sarah's a word puzzles expert, and when she's not working or swimming, you'll find her in the kitchen experimenting and testing new and interesting recipes.

Rabbi Mechel

877.TORAH.123 x187

Rabbi Mechel Rosenberg

Rabbi Rosenberg has loads of patience and is super-sensitive, traits that have come to good use through years of teaching students of all ages. He enjoys his position as a TorahMates coordinator as he loves connecting with people! He says that it’s easy to be a salesman for a product you love and believe in; Torah. Rabbi Rosenberg exercises almost daily and enjoys playing sports of all kinds.

Shira Rosskam

Mrs. Shira

877.TORAH.123 x217

Mrs. Shira Rosskam

Originally from Los Angeles, Shira is a passionate and personable TorahMates coordinator who finds joy in building relationships and supporting personal growth in her partnerships. Known for her warm and inviting demeanor, she embraces every opportunity to connect with others and looks forward to fostering meaningful connections in her job as a coordinator. When not working, Shira enjoys socializing, reading, and spending quality time with her children.

Yosef Kalman Singer

Rabbi Yosef Kalman

877.TORAH.123 x308

Rabbi Yosef Kalman Singer

Born and raised in New York, Rabbi Yosef Kalman Singer first became involved with Oorah when he attended TheZone in 2012 and the TorahMates program quickly won his heart. Since then, he’s been involved as a Zone staff member, a ChillZone attendee, and a TorahMate, before finally joining Oorah as a TorahMate coordinator. He loves teaching, and is excited to help people forge relationships that foster learning and mentorship. When not at work, he can be found reading, learning new things, or spending time with his family.

Faigy Sprei

Ms. Faigy

877.TORAH.123 x463

Ms. Faigy Sprei

Meet our Administrative Assistant! Faigy joined TorahMates to be part of something meaningful and help make a difference. With her knack for multitasking & problem-solving, she ensures that everything in the TorahMates department runs smoothly. When she's not working, you can find her baking, playing music, or volunteering with the special needs community. Described as outgoing, dedicated & helpful, her passion lies in making a difference — because she believes that each person is a world of potential.

Aron Stefansky

R' Aron

877.TORAH.123 x414

R' Aron Stefansky

Known for his friendly and easygoing nature, R' Aron Stefansky excels at connecting with people of all backgrounds. He first got involved with Oorah as a counselor at TheZone camp, later becoming a division head and even leading a branch of ChillZone Jerusalem. He now brings his talents to the TorahMates team, where he looks forward to helping others discover more about their heritage. When not at work, he enjoys learning at kollel, spending time with his family, and playing baseball.

Sarah Ullman

Ms. Sarah

877.TORAH.123 x465

Ms. Sarah Ullman

Raised in Phoenix, AZ, Sarah Ullman has an ultimate career goal of bringing the Jewish nation closer to their heritage - one TorahMate at a time! She’s described as both dedicated and empathetic, with a knack for appreciating the individual spiritual journeys of others. Away from work, Sarah enjoys a variety of hobbies, including playing the piano and keeping fit at the gym.

Miriam Wachtfogel

Ms. Miriam

877.TORAH.123 x509

Ms. Miriam Wachtfogel

Miriam is thrilled to facilitate learning and growth as a part of the greater TorahMates team. Known for her caring, sensitive, and fun personality, she is passionate about using her strengths to help others come closer to Hashem. Born in Flatbush and raised in Lakewood, she enjoys spending time with friends, playing guitar, and staying active at the gym. Miriam’s dedication to understanding and supporting people makes her a valuable asset to any TorahMates partnership.

Tehilla Zisow

Ms. Tehilla

877.TORAH.123 x412

Ms. Tehilla Zisow

Raised in Manalapan, NJ, where her father served as a Rosh Kollel and Rabbi, Tehilla moved to the greater Lakewood, NJ area in 2022. She enjoys socializing, spending time with her family, and baking. Tehila is passionate about building meaningful relationships and fostering a sense of community among TorahMates participants, looking forward to helping people connect with their Jewish heritage.